Sleepy Bedtime Blessings

Replay: Divine Co-Creation + Childhood Memories

March 13, 2024 Laurel Bleadon-Maffei Episode 239
Sleepy Bedtime Blessings
Replay: Divine Co-Creation + Childhood Memories
Show Notes

Enjoy this replay of episode 146!

🌟 Welcome back to Sleepy Bedtime Blessings, where we offer soothing stories and angelic insights to help you relax and unwind. In this episode, the angels bring forth beautiful inspiration and encouragement for your co-creative endeavors. We make space for your prayers and intentions to be received in the loving heart of the Divine.

🌈 Then, join me as we take a trip down memory lane and explore some childhood memories. We'll also explore the gap between my magical thinking of it would be easy to learn to ice skate or ride a horse only to be faced with the reality that these endeavors took hard work (not my favorite thing). Having this body would not be as easy as I had thought it would be. We'll also discover the joys of watching Bozo's Circus on WGN every day at 12 pm and the brilliance of the Grand Prize Game!

So, settle in and let the angels guide you to a place of peace and calm as we explore childhood memories and the magical thinking of a child's heart.

And also a heartfelt heavenly shoutout of gratitude to my parents who were always willing to send me to classes for the activities I wanted to learn. Thanks, mom + dad!  β€οΈπŸ™ 

Storytime begins at 21:52.

Thank you for listening, and if you're enjoying the podcast, please consider leaving a review to support us. Your support means the world to me! πŸ’–

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This podcast is narrated and produced by angelic practitioner, Laurel Bleadon-Maffei. Learn more about my work at